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What makes our classes different?

We employ an adaptive teaching style and experiential learning method with a focus on social learning. Social learning brings a host of benefits to the learning process, especially when a course incorporates collaboration and community elements:

Experiential learning can prepare the next-gen workforce. Modern education must shift its focus to this method to keep up with the pace of change. In this blog, we’ll explore how it transforms education and why it’s critical today.

1. Diverse Perspectives:

When learners collaborate, they bring diverse perspectives, experiences, and insights to the table. This diversity enriches the learning experience by offering various approaches to a problem or topic, fostering a deeper understanding.

2. Active Engagement:

Collaboration encourages active participation. Learners are more engaged when they’re actively discussing, debating, and contributing to the learning process. This engagement often leads to better retention and understanding of the material.

3. Knowledge Sharing:

By interacting with peers, learners get the opportunity to share their knowledge and learn from others. This exchange of information not only broadens individual understanding but also creates a collective pool of knowledge within the community.

4. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills:

Collaborative learning often involves solving problems as a group. This nurtures critical thinking, communication, and teamwork, vital skills that extend beyond the immediate learning context.

5. Support and Motivation:

Communal learning environments provide emotional and motivational support. Learners can encourage and help each other, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation or being stuck when faced with challenges.

6. Continuous Learning:

Community-based learning often extends beyond the course duration. Learners may continue to interact, ask questions, and share resources even after the course ends, promoting ongoing learning and knowledge exchange.

Impact on the Learning Ecosystem:

The learning ecosystem is enhanced significantly when social elements are integrated into a course. The traditional cycle of learning – from absorbing information to applying it – becomes more dynamic:

Engagement: Learners are more engaged and motivated, leading to increased attention and absorption of the material.

Application: Collaborative activities encourage the application of knowledge in real-life scenarios or problem-solving, reinforcing understanding.

Reflection: Discussions and feedback from peers encourage reflection on one’s understanding, leading to deeper comprehension and the ability to connect concepts.

The learning cycle becomes more iterative and interconnected as learners absorb, apply, discuss, reflect, and then absorb new information based on this richer understanding. The social and collaborative aspects of learning fuel this continuous loop. The impact of collaboration and community in learning is profound. It transforms learning from a solitary activity into a shared, dynamic experience, accelerating understanding, retention, and practical application of knowledge, which creates an ecosystem for learners.

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